When is the best time to drink the coffee?

Usually starting at 3 days from roast date and before 21 days from roast date.

Coffee doesn't go bad, but it does get stale, which causes it to lose any distinct flavor characteristics, and taste more and more ordinary. As long as you store the coffee in an airtight container, away from sunlight, coffee can retain flavor and nuance from 14 to 21 days from the roast date. 

Some things to note: 

  • Lighter roasted coffees will stale more slowly, so you can expect a lighter roast (our Fruity and Balanced profiles, for example) to retain flavor and nuance up to 21 days. 
  • Darker roasted coffees will stale more quickly, so for our Classic and Bold profiles, expect a range closer to around 14 days. 

Also, coffees need some time to rest right after roasting, so they’ll actually taste best if you wait a couple of days after the roast.

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